Information Security Manager Jobs in London

Information Security Manager
England > London

The median Information Security Manager salary in London is £75,000 per year, according to job vacancies posted during the 6 months leading to 20 September 2024.

The table below provides salary benchmarking and summary statistics, comparing them to the same period in the previous two years.

6 months to
20 Sep 2024
Same period 2023 Same period 2022
Rank 411 466 736
Rank change year-on-year +55 +270 -56
Permanent jobs requiring an Information Security Manager 65 37 123
As % of all permanent jobs advertised in London 0.32% 0.17% 0.19%
As % of the Job Titles category 0.34% 0.17% 0.20%
Number of salaries quoted 36 33 89
10th Percentile £62,500 £52,500 £64,500
25th Percentile £67,500 £61,750 £72,500
Median annual salary (50th Percentile) £75,000 £85,000 £84,000
Median % change year-on-year -11.76% +1.19% +5.00%
75th Percentile £85,313 £97,500 £95,000
90th Percentile £96,875 £112,000 £102,750
England median annual salary £68,500 £72,500 £72,500
% change year-on-year -5.52% - +9.43%

All Permanent IT Job Vacancies

For comparison with the information above, the following table provides summary statistics for all permanent IT job vacancies in London. Most job vacancies include a discernible job title that can be normalized. As such, the figures in the second row provide an indication of the number of permanent jobs in our overall sample.

Permanent vacancies in London with a recognized job title 19,303 21,217 61,347
% of permanent jobs with a recognized job title 95.60% 95.20% 95.77%
Number of salaries quoted 11,486 17,316 34,117
10th Percentile £40,000 £41,250 £41,259
25th Percentile £52,500 £55,000 £53,750
Median annual salary (50th Percentile) £72,500 £74,000 £70,000
Median % change year-on-year -2.03% +5.71% -
75th Percentile £95,000 £95,000 £92,500
90th Percentile £120,000 £115,000 £110,000
England median annual salary £55,000 £60,000 £60,000
% change year-on-year -8.33% - +4.35%

Information Security Manager
Job Vacancy Trend in London

Job postings that featured Information Security Manager in the job title as a proportion of all IT jobs advertised in London.

Job vacancy trend for Information Security Manager in London

Information Security Manager
Salary Trend in London

3-month moving average salary quoted in jobs citing Information Security Manager in London.

Salary trend for Information Security Manager in London

Information Security Manager
Salary Histogram in London

Salary distribution for jobs citing Information Security Manager in London over the 6 months to 20 September 2024.

Salary histogram for Information Security Manager in London

Information Security Manager
Job Locations in London

The table below looks at the demand and provides a guide to the median salaries quoted in IT jobs citing Information Security Manager within the London region over the 6 months to 20 September 2024. The 'Rank Change' column provides an indication of the change in demand within each location based on the same 6 month period last year.

Location Rank Change
on Same Period
Last Year
IT Job Ads
Median Salary
Past 6 Months
Median Salary
% Change
on Same Period
Last Year
Central London -10 9 £82,500 -5.71%
Information Security Manager

Information Security Manager Skill Set
Top 30 Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities in London

For the 6 months to 20 September 2024, Information Security Manager job roles required the following skills and capabilities in order of popularity. The figures indicate the absolute number co-occurrences and as a proportion of all permanent job ads across the London region featuring Information Security Manager in the job title.

1 65 (100.00%) Information Security
2 44 (67.69%) CISM
3 40 (61.54%) CISSP
4 39 (60.00%) ISO/IEC 27001
5 23 (35.38%) Risk Management
6 22 (33.85%) Security Management
7 21 (32.31%) Social Skills
8 20 (30.77%) Management Information System
9 19 (29.23%) Information Security Management
10 18 (27.69%) Cybersecurity
11 17 (26.15%) Information Security Governance
11 17 (26.15%) Cyber Essentials
12 16 (24.62%) Analytical Skills
13 15 (23.08%) ISMS
13 15 (23.08%) Legal
13 15 (23.08%) Degree
14 13 (20.00%) Law
15 12 (18.46%) Finance
15 12 (18.46%) CISA
15 12 (18.46%) Data Protection
15 12 (18.46%) GDPR
16 11 (16.92%) GRC
17 10 (15.38%) Problem-Solving
17 10 (15.38%) Master's Degree
17 10 (15.38%) CRISC
18 9 (13.85%) CCNP
18 9 (13.85%) Cisco Certification
19 8 (12.31%) ISO 27001 Lead Auditor
19 8 (12.31%) ISO 27001 Lead Implementer
20 7 (10.77%) NIST

Information Security Manager Skill Set
Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities in London by Category

The follow tables expand on the table above by listing co-occurrences grouped by category. The same employment type, locality and period is covered with up to 20 co-occurrences shown in each of the following categories:

1 1 (1.54%) Microsoft Office
Cloud Services
1 5 (7.69%) Azure
2 2 (3.08%) Microsoft 365
2 2 (3.08%) Microsoft Purview
2 2 (3.08%) WhatsApp
3 1 (1.54%) AWS
3 1 (1.54%) GCP
3 1 (1.54%) SaaS
Communications & Networking
1 6 (9.23%) Firewall
2 3 (4.62%) Intrusion Detection
3 1 (1.54%) DNS
Development Applications
1 1 (1.54%) Jenkins
1 21 (32.31%) Social Skills
2 16 (24.62%) Analytical Skills
3 15 (23.08%) Legal
4 13 (20.00%) Law
5 12 (18.46%) Finance
6 3 (4.62%) Inclusion and Diversity
7 2 (3.08%) Advertising
7 2 (3.08%) Marketing
7 2 (3.08%) Organisational Skills
7 2 (3.08%) Presentation Skills
7 2 (3.08%) Public Sector
8 1 (1.54%) Financial Institution
8 1 (1.54%) Manufacturing
8 1 (1.54%) Pharmaceutical
8 1 (1.54%) Retail
Libraries, Frameworks & Software Standards
1 2 (3.08%) EDI
2 1 (1.54%) Web Services
1 20 (30.77%) Management Information System
2 7 (10.77%) Security Posture
3 5 (7.69%) Self-Motivation
4 4 (6.15%) Analytical Mindset
5 2 (3.08%) CESG
6 1 (1.54%) Client/Server
6 1 (1.54%) Cyber Threat
6 1 (1.54%) Enterprise Software
6 1 (1.54%) Foreign Exchange (FX)
6 1 (1.54%) PKI
Operating Systems
1 1 (1.54%) Windows
Processes & Methodologies
1 65 (100.00%) Information Security
2 23 (35.38%) Risk Management
3 22 (33.85%) Security Management
4 19 (29.23%) Information Security Management
5 18 (27.69%) Cybersecurity
6 17 (26.15%) Information Security Governance
7 15 (23.08%) ISMS
8 12 (18.46%) Data Protection
9 10 (15.38%) Problem-Solving
10 7 (10.77%) Continuous Improvement
10 7 (10.77%) Risk Assessment
10 7 (10.77%) Risk Register
11 6 (9.23%) Computer Science
11 6 (9.23%) Project Management
12 5 (7.69%) Fintech
12 5 (7.69%) Internal Audit
12 5 (7.69%) Penetration Testing
13 4 (6.15%) Collaborative Working
13 4 (6.15%) Compliance Management
13 4 (6.15%) Identity Access Management
Programming Languages
1 1 (1.54%) Python
1 44 (67.69%) CISM
2 40 (61.54%) CISSP
3 15 (23.08%) Degree
4 12 (18.46%) CISA
5 10 (15.38%) CRISC
5 10 (15.38%) Master's Degree
6 9 (13.85%) CCNP
6 9 (13.85%) Cisco Certification
7 8 (12.31%) ISO 27001 Lead Auditor
7 8 (12.31%) ISO 27001 Lead Implementer
8 5 (7.69%) Security Cleared
9 4 (6.15%) Computer Science Degree
10 3 (4.62%) CTC Cleared
10 3 (4.62%) GIAC
11 2 (3.08%) CESG Certified Professional
11 2 (3.08%) ISACA
11 2 (3.08%) SC Cleared
12 1 (1.54%) GISP
12 1 (1.54%) GSEC
12 1 (1.54%) ISSMP
Quality Assurance & Compliance
1 39 (60.00%) ISO/IEC 27001
2 17 (26.15%) Cyber Essentials
3 12 (18.46%) GDPR
4 11 (16.92%) GRC
5 7 (10.77%) NIST
6 6 (9.23%) Cyber Essentials PLUS
7 4 (6.15%) ISO 9001
7 4 (6.15%) PCI DSS
8 3 (4.62%) Actionable Recommendations
8 3 (4.62%) ISO 22301
8 3 (4.62%) SOC 2
9 2 (3.08%) Sarbanes-Oxley
10 1 (1.54%) California Consumer Privacy Act
10 1 (1.54%) COBIT
10 1 (1.54%) GxP
Systems Management
1 1 (1.54%) Ansible
1 1 (1.54%) RSA Archer
1 6 (9.23%) Microsoft
2 2 (3.08%) Capita
2 2 (3.08%) ServiceNow
3 1 (1.54%) Alibaba
3 1 (1.54%) Google