Contract Development Application Skills in Surrey

Results 1 - 39 of 39
Sort by Demand Rank 6 Months to 21 Dec 2024Rank
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YoY Change
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Median Daily Rate
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Absolute & Relative
Jobs Vacancies
JIRA21-11£500-4.76%36 8.47%13
Git32-5£500-10.81%23 5.41%12
Jenkins36+26£500+17.64%19 4.47%1
Bitbucket40-6£500-12.66%15 3.53%
TestRail40+32£500-15 3.53%
GoogleTest41+31£500-14 3.29%
Rational DOORS42+1£500-10.71%13 3.06%3
Selenium45+14£638+50.00%10 2.35%6
Firebug46+24£205-33.87%9 2.12%
Browser DevTools46+23£205-25.79%9 2.12%
JUnit49+23--6 1.41%
Robot Framework49-£375-6 1.41%
Maven50-£650-5 1.18%3
Cypress.io50---5 1.18%4
SpecFlow51---4 0.94%
Appium51---4 0.94%1
GitLab51+20£650-7.14%4 0.94%4
JMeter52---3 0.71%
Bugzilla52-£403-3 0.71%1
MSBuild52-£475-3 0.71%
Octopus Deploy52-£475-3 0.71%
CANoe52-£403-3 0.71%2
Visual Studio53-4--2 0.47%3
IntelliJ53---2 0.47%
Team Foundation Server53---2 0.47%
Mocha53---2 0.47%
Balsamiq53---2 0.47%
Cucumber53+19--2 0.47%1
Artifactory53+16£450-16.27%2 0.47%
Visual Studio Code53---2 0.47%
Sonatype Nexus53-£656-2 0.47%3
ClearCase54---1 0.24%
Eclipse54+17--1 0.24%
ClearQuest54---1 0.24%
Subversion54+12--1 0.24%3
TeamCity54---1 0.24%
FishEye54---1 0.24%
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)54+18--1 0.24%
Crucible54---1 0.24%